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Peculiar People - Youth

Credits: 20
Credits: 20

Big Idea — When Peter called Christians “peculiar people,” his point was not that we are odd, but special, unique people set apart for a specific purpose. In this series we will look at what it means to be “set-apart” people and the peculiar purpose Jesus has for all of us.

• Week 1 — The Chosen Ones | When we hear the word church, we often think of a location; however, in the New Testament, a church was a group of people. In this lesson we will discuss the value Jesus places on His church and how we should respond to that.

• Week 2 — A Set-Apart People | In this lesson we will learn more about what it means to be set apart for God’s holy purpose.

• Week 3 — Standing Out in a Blend-In World | In this lesson we will examine the implications of living as a Christian in a secular world by exploring how the New Testament church stood out in the Roman world.

• Week 4 — A Peculiar Mission | Jesus did not set us apart as a people to place us on a shelf and celebrate us; rather, He gave us a holy purpose in our world.