636.229.7900   link247@upci.org

Dynamic Duos - Student

Credits: 20
Credits: 20

Big Idea — This Link247 series is designed to give students a biblical reminder that God gives each of us the talents and understanding for what He has called us to do.

• Week 1 — Bezaleel and Aholiab
Even though we may desire certain things for our lives, God always equips us to fulfill His will and desires for us.

• Week 2 — David and Jonathan
We must recognize that God puts individuals in our lives to help us become stronger and more effective Christians.

• Week 3 — Aquila and Priscilla
It is important for us to allow others to be involved in our lives and help us become what God wants us to be.

• Week 4 — Jacob and Esau
God gives us all unique blessings and callings. However, if we don’t want them or if we are irresponsible with what God has given us, He will give them to someone else who will utilize them for His glory.