636.229.7900   link247@upci.org

Frequently Asked Questions

Most questions you will have concerning LINK247 are answered in the Frequently Asked Questions below. If your question isn't answered here, feel free to contact us.


  • Do credits expire?

    Credits never expire. Even after the end of your subscription period, you will have full access to accumulated credits.

  • How can I spend my credits?

    You can use your credits to purchase any series. Although new series are released frequently, you are free to purchase any series with your credits, regardless of its date of release.

  • What is a credit?

    Credits are the currency used on the LINK247 website to purchase the individual lesson series. One week’s worth of material costs five credits. Credits vary in price depending on how many you purchase at one time.

    Purchase 240 credits (1 year’s worth of curriculum) 1 credit = $1.00
    Purchase 120 credits (6 month’s worth of curriculum) 1 credit = $1.50
    Purchase 60 credits (3 month’s worth of curriculum) 1 credit = $1.65
    Purchase 20 credits (1 month’s worth of curriculum) 1 credit = $1.95

Payment & Memberships

  • Can you invoice me for the curriculum renewal?

    No. Memberships must be paid for in advance through the website.

  • Do I have to purchase a separate membership for LINK247 Student and/or LINK247 Hyphen?

    No. Your credits can be used to purchase series from both the Student and Hyphen curriculum. For example, if you purchase 240 credits, you can use them to purchase six months of material for Students and six months for Hyphen (or any other combination).

  • Do you have payment installments?

    We don’t offer an installment plan for the purchase of credits. We offer several purchase options that will fit in any budget.

  • What form of payment can I use?

    We do accept credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX), debit cards, EFT (electronic fund transfer), and PayPal.

  • Will my membership automatically renew?

    Yes, your membership will automatically renew at the end of your membership period unless you choose to cancel. You will be sent a renewal notice via email prior to your membership being renewed.

Resources & Materials

  • Should I use all of the curriculum from LINK247? Or can I use just the Student material or just the Hyphen material?

    While each curriculum can be used independently, a number of the series have the same theme across both levels. Consider the average age of your group and experiment with series from each level. The material is easy to customize for your unique setting.

  • Do LINK247 lessons contain student handouts?

    No. There is no student handout component to LINK247. You are welcome to create your own based upon the lesson Word documents and using the graphics provided with each series.

  • Does LINK247 offer a video component?

    Each series has a media package that includes a title graphic, a motion graphic, a PowerPoint file, and at least one video element. These are included as part of the series purchase.

  • How do I get LINK247 lessons on my iPad?

    Many subscribers have attempted to download their LINK247 lesson files directly from the LINK247 site to their iPads. Unfortunately, because the material comes in a ZIP file, this is not possible. Please download the ZIP file to a computer, double-click it to un-zip it, and then either sync or email the lesson PDFs to your iPad.

  • How many sessions are in a series?

    Series are four weeks in length. Some series may run longer depending on teaching style and amount of time per class period.

  • How often are series updated?

    The LINK247 team is always in the process of creating new series. 

  • Is LINK247 for middle school, high school, or college-age students?

    LINK247 Student is designed for middle school and high school students. Each lesson will have adaptations specific to both the younger and the older groups, so choose the one that fits the age group you are teaching.

    LINK247 Hyphen is designed for Hyphen, or college-age students. This age group has distinctly different needs than the Student group. In some instances, series were developed for both Student and Hyphen age groups. In other cases, series have been developed uniquely for the Hyphen age group.

  • Is there a master plan for the topical series offered?

    Each downloadable series approaches a different topic to address a broad spectrum of Apostolic doctrine. You can see the Big Idea for each series and then pick series in whatever order best serves your church.

  • Why don't LINK247 Student and LINK247 Hyphen have the same focus each month?

    Some series will have the same focus on the Student and Hyphen levels, while others will be specific to one level or the other since material is geared to age-specific needs.